Nature of language learning, in general, is learning to communicate. Because language is the most effective media to convey the message to the communicator and communicator. English is the international language. English has been recognized as an international language. That is, people who come from diverse backgrounds goegrafi, religion dam has had a media culture that was agreed to communicate with each other, namely English. By mastering the language inggirs one can communicate more, so his insights in information technology alone will be more open and it certainly has had an IT capital to step in the advancement of the technology world is always moving forward.
TOEFL stands for Test Of English as a Foreign language. TOEFL is a test used to determine the ability of a person in berbahsa English. TOEFL Test Ferguson started with a project that is used to measure the language skills of government employees and students, and since the 1960's, the TOEFL test has been administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), an organization of international testing standards.
There are two types of TOEFL is the International TOEFL and Institutional TOEFL. International TOEFL is recognized almost all educational institutions, agencies, and businesses in the world, while, the local Institutional TOEFL. That is, only certain universities that accept or allow prospective students using the Institutional TOEFL. Some countries that admit students based on the Institutional TOEFL, including the United States (Fulbright program), Australia (Australian Development Scholarships program / ADS), Netherlands (StuNed program), and Germany (Deutscher Akademischer program Austausch Dienst / DAAD).
The average minimum TOEFL score should we have to apply for graduate scholarships abroad is 500-550. This test usually takes about three hours and is organized in four parts, namely:
listening comprehension,
grammatical structure and written expression,
reading comprehension, and the
Lots of functions of the TOEFL to various fields. For example, for my own as a college student majoring in accounting. In the lecture I did not just learn about the calculations relating to accounting, but also learn English language lessons. Like now I had the assignment of faculty for business English courses. TOEFL is needed by many people such as students only those students and college students or workers. For me as a student toefl benefits among others to write letters of demand or supply in the conduct of transactions to its customers. In the letter writing toefl sentence should fit the existing standards for content and intent of the letter is easily understood by the reader.
Then another benefit of the introduction of books are studied in the course packet every day, if we are to understand the sentences that are in accordance with the standard TOEFL, We will also understand the contents of the sentences contained in the book and it's easy the reader in learning to use it.
And another benefit of the TOEFL is currently making a job application letter or the so-called CV. Now there are many different companies that require the applicant to make the application work using the English language is good and true. If we have understood the TOEFL, arrange the words to make the cover letter is no longer considered to be difficult. In the cover letter is written in various biographical data itself as well as other experiences with using the English language.