Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Artikel Bencana Alam

   Ada sekitar 28 tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang bekerja sebagai perawat (nurse) dan pekerja perawat (care workers) di daerah tsunami Jepang. 15 Di antaranya belum bisa dikontak.

   Crisis Centre Kemenakertrans untuk Tsunami Jepang menyatakan hal itu dalam rilisnya berdasarkan hasil pantauan dari Japan International Corporation of Welfare Services (JICWELS) pada pukul 09.30 WIB, Minggu (13/3/2011).

   Mereka tersebar di beberapa prefektur yang terkena tsunami, sebagai berikut:

   1. Miyagi (jumlah nurse 3 dan careworkers 6 orang)
   2. Iwate (careworkers 2)
   3. Fukushima (nurse 4)
   4. Aomori (nurse 4 dan careworkers 9)

   "Khusus di Prefektur Aomori semua selamat dan berada di rumah sakit dan panti jompo. Sedangkan di tiga prefektur lain komunikasi belum dapat dilakukan karena jaringan rusak sehingga situasinya belum terpantau jelas," jelas Crisis Center Kemenakertrans.

   Tim evakuasi KBRI telah tiba melalui jalur darat ke daerah bencana dan pihak JICWELS akan tetap memantau dan menyampaikan laporan keadaan TKI di 3 daerah.

   Perkembangan terakhir tentang para nurse dan careworkers akan dipantau terus. Kemenakertrans membuka Crisis Centre Tsunami Jepang di nomor 0815 744 7776, 0816 164 2613, 0815 187 3081 dan 0815 187 3081. Juga dapat dibuka website www.pemagangan.com.

This incident is alarming many people in various countries. In this incident claimed many victims and destruction of infrastructure and facilities in Japan. It should be pointed a thumb to the workers who currently also volunteering in Japan. Their willingness to show a sense of humanity which does not see the difference (the state). Cooperation between the Japanese Embassy in the country is also great for taking measures in penolongan and rescue Japanese nationals. Japanese government should still provide the latest news in the development of state and local residents about the condition so that the victims' families or citizens can find out the situation surrounding Japan is going on. Japanese citizens may get through this tragedy and for the workers who also volunteered to help and still keep the spirit.

Source: hpgua.com

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